Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shock & Awe

For the most part, telling people about the news has been a wonderful experience. Some family and friends have broken down in tears of joy the instant we told them. Others have had a little different reaction. So, here are my top five most unexpected responses to the news “My wife is pregnant with twins!”

5) “You’re kidding, right?”

4) “Huh? Well, it’s about time.”

3) The evil chuckle (from a friend that has twin girls)

2) (spoken like it’s consolation to bad news) Well, at least you’re getting your money’s worth…. One hospital bill, two babies. Oh, and two tax deductions in one year!

1) “Twins? What a headache!”

1 comment:

The Lyons Family said...

Luis, we are soooo excited about your news and praise God for hearing and answering your prayers (and ours, too)!!! Can't wait to check back on a regular basis and see how those two are coming along. All the best from the Lyons!